Sunday, December 19, 2010
Stop the Comedic Jihad Against Christians!
Christians are the #1 target of comedians in the US, such as Stephen Colbert, Jon Stewart, and I'm sick of it. They don't DARE go after Muslims. It is quite the opposite it is climate of PC and everyone is taught to respect Muslims and revile Christians in the public schools. The comedians are AFRAID of Muslims. They are cowards and intellectually dishonest. Christianity has gone through major reformation, Islam hasn't. Islam needs a MAJOR reform. This is 2010 not 710. Look how Christians and Jews are treated as second class citizens in most Muslim dominated nations. I just read article in NY Times how Iraqi Christians have virtually abandoned Iraq due to persecution. Funny thing is during Saddam Hussein reign no one bothered them!! This is what happens when Islamists are put in charge, the minority groups who are non-Muslim get treated like shit. And there is not great concerted worldwide media outcry over mistreatment of Christians and Jews by Muslims but if some cartoonist makes a cartoon depicting Mohammed all Hell breaks loose. And those stupid laws in many Muslim countries saying it is illegal to preach to Muslims about Jesus or illegal or even death penalty if one leaves Islam for Christianity! It reflects deep intellectual insecurity!!!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
A Poem
perception variable
shifting like the wind
reality yields
a new consciousness
no, a new being
blinding waves
penetrate the mind
illuminating hidden truths
potential unlocked
transformation achieved
a new reality
unknown to most
the last frontier
searching for truth
vagaries of indoctrination
the familiar is profane
to behold
a waking dream
frozen by time
paradigms collapse
going deeper
past fear
the old world
a lie
a solitary path
to voyage
to grow
now connected
refuge from the mundane
finally peace
-- Zachary Uram (c) 2010
shifting like the wind
reality yields
a new consciousness
no, a new being
blinding waves
penetrate the mind
illuminating hidden truths
potential unlocked
transformation achieved
a new reality
unknown to most
the last frontier
searching for truth
vagaries of indoctrination
the familiar is profane
to behold
a waking dream
frozen by time
paradigms collapse
going deeper
past fear
the old world
a lie
a solitary path
to voyage
to grow
now connected
refuge from the mundane
finally peace
-- Zachary Uram (c) 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Duel at Dawn
Katana blades
Glisten in dawn's awakening
Warriors bound by honor
The world falls away
Senses heightened
Muscles coiled like vipers
Ancient ritual
Civilized barbarism
Man is a wicked thing
If one must die
This is a noble path
One lunges forward
Tempered steel whistles
A flick of the wrist
And his fate is sealed
The arterial spray
Blankets the snowy ground
Crimson droplets
Poetry in motion
A samurai falls
But his soul is free
Glisten in dawn's awakening
Warriors bound by honor
The world falls away
Senses heightened
Muscles coiled like vipers
Ancient ritual
Civilized barbarism
Man is a wicked thing
If one must die
This is a noble path
One lunges forward
Tempered steel whistles
A flick of the wrist
And his fate is sealed
The arterial spray
Blankets the snowy ground
Crimson droplets
Poetry in motion
A samurai falls
But his soul is free
Friday, November 12, 2010
faith and reason
Posted a comment on Darlene Egelhoff's blog
Wonderful blog post Darlene! I studied physics at Carnegie Mellon University (before my mental illness struck) and I *love* science. The great lie of the so-called New Atheists (people like the insufferably arrogant and condescending Richard Dawkins!) is that one must reject theism to be accepted as a rational thinker, to be a scientist. This is a ridiculous false dichotomy and it’s so sad so many young students are being indoctrinated into a binary view of epistemology where one must either reject reason and the modern world or embrace theism. There is nothing new under the sun, as Scripture says, and none of these “new” arguments are new at all. We Christians can use science and engage in scientific research without compromising our faith. As you echoed God gave us a mind to explore, to question, to ponder! Praise God. I personally do not see enough evidence for macro evolution, but as you said even if that is true it should not bother one who has built their faith on the firm bedrock of faith in Christ the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! All of creation testifies to the handiwork of the Creator and I’ve truly seen that manifested in my intellectual inquiries into the natural world. Let us not shrink back into the corner in the realm of public discourse, whether it be a Sunday school class, a university classroom or a discussion group with our closest friends, and be afraid to boldly proclaim that we are thinking Christians! Virtually all of Western science has been laid down by people who expressed Judeo-Christian faith. Let us remind students that perhaps the greatest intellect in history, Isaac Newton, was a fervent follow of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Wonderful blog post Darlene! I studied physics at Carnegie Mellon University (before my mental illness struck) and I *love* science. The great lie of the so-called New Atheists (people like the insufferably arrogant and condescending Richard Dawkins!) is that one must reject theism to be accepted as a rational thinker, to be a scientist. This is a ridiculous false dichotomy and it’s so sad so many young students are being indoctrinated into a binary view of epistemology where one must either reject reason and the modern world or embrace theism. There is nothing new under the sun, as Scripture says, and none of these “new” arguments are new at all. We Christians can use science and engage in scientific research without compromising our faith. As you echoed God gave us a mind to explore, to question, to ponder! Praise God. I personally do not see enough evidence for macro evolution, but as you said even if that is true it should not bother one who has built their faith on the firm bedrock of faith in Christ the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! All of creation testifies to the handiwork of the Creator and I’ve truly seen that manifested in my intellectual inquiries into the natural world. Let us not shrink back into the corner in the realm of public discourse, whether it be a Sunday school class, a university classroom or a discussion group with our closest friends, and be afraid to boldly proclaim that we are thinking Christians! Virtually all of Western science has been laid down by people who expressed Judeo-Christian faith. Let us remind students that perhaps the greatest intellect in history, Isaac Newton, was a fervent follow of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
The lie of materialism
I grew up poor but we were very happy so I never made a false link between money and happiness as, unfortunately, so many seem to do now. I never wanted to be rich, but as a kid there were certain things I thought it would be cool or fun to hav.e someday. The older I get the more I realize money and material possessions matter so little in the spiritual world which is the truest reality. That is why it irks me when I see such a huge emphasis on material status as a marriage qualifier (for the husband). There is a huge gulf between what we truly need and what we want. Our culture inundates us constantly with a message of materialism and compels us to embrace a hyper-consumerist lifestyle if we wish to be happy. And on the radio I hear those nauseating commercials that implicitly link the size of a diamond and a man's degree of love for a woman. What rubbish. There is no real difference between rates of divorce for Christians in America versus non-Christians (they may even be higher for the latter). Christ calls us to be salt and light unto the earth. Our lives should stand as an example which will point others to the gospel. People here seem to go crazy for weddings and spend thousands, if not tens of thousands, of dollar, yet 54% of them will be divorced! It's sheer madness. I'm glad computers and iPods and cellphones were not readily available when I was a kid. I have many happy childhood memories of playing outside. As kids we couldn't wait to get outside, in the summer we'd spend literally the entire day outside playing games, sports, socializing. Now I see so many kids who lock themselves away in their own little social webs with the internet, cellphones, video games. I think this is very unhealthy. I bet most boys would much rather have their father spend more time with them versus buying a gadget to occupy their time when they look back on their life. Thank God for godly parents!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
The Second Death
a raging inferno
engulfs the wicked
bright blinding light
washes over the darkness
a nuclear holocaust unleashed
waves of energy
annihilate the apostate
molecules vaporized
finally peace
engulfs the wicked
bright blinding light
washes over the darkness
a nuclear holocaust unleashed
waves of energy
annihilate the apostate
molecules vaporized
finally peace
Saturday, September 11, 2010
9/11 justice
The top 3 masterminds of 9/11, Osama bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri and Mullah Omar, are living inside Pakistan under the protection of their intelligence service. Great ally eh? :(
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
False prophets in modern American Christianity
I just read an alarming article by Russell D. Moore which is an absolute must read for all Christians in America, "God, the Gospel, and Glenn Beck".
An excerpt:
AMEN x INFINITY!! Yes, it is literally disgusting to watch this spectacle unfold. American "Christians" lap up the materialistic populism at the false prophet Beck's feet. Real, Biblical and effectual, revival means turning away from ALL sins, not just the ones that are popular in our profane and hedonistic culture. Beck is deceived, he does not follow the Jesus Christ of Scripture, the Word incarnate. Pray for the charlatan Beck, stop supporting his shameful ego trips and follow the Lord Jesus Christ!
Remember: "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves." - Matt. 7:15
An excerpt:
"Mormonism and Mammonism are contrary to the gospel of Jesus Christ. They offer another Lord Jesus than the One offered in the Scriptures and Christian tradition, and another way to approach him. An embrace of these tragic new vehicles for the old Gnostic heresy is unloving to our Mormon friends and secularist neighbors, and to the rest of the watching world. Any “revival” that is possible without the Lord Jesus Christ is a “revival” of a different kind of spirit than the Spirit of Christ (1 Jn. 4:1-3)."
AMEN x INFINITY!! Yes, it is literally disgusting to watch this spectacle unfold. American "Christians" lap up the materialistic populism at the false prophet Beck's feet. Real, Biblical and effectual, revival means turning away from ALL sins, not just the ones that are popular in our profane and hedonistic culture. Beck is deceived, he does not follow the Jesus Christ of Scripture, the Word incarnate. Pray for the charlatan Beck, stop supporting his shameful ego trips and follow the Lord Jesus Christ!
The self-aggrandizing fame hungry buffoon Glenn Beck. |
Remember: "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves." - Matt. 7:15
Monday, August 16, 2010
Obi Wan Zachary
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
Quake Live medal munificence
Monday, July 26, 2010
Gauntlet Supremacy!

I just bested my previous all time best gauntlet performance of a few hours ago of 17 with an epic 27 gauntlet kills! That is 27 of 45 frags so I played an entire full match and had 60% of my kills from gauntlet!! WOOOOOOOOOOO! I dare my fellow Quake Live players to best this feat (wink: Bany! hehe) ^_^ I also received 4 Excellent medals.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Gauntlet domination!

I have achieved a new personal best using the gauntlet in Quake Live! 17 of my 32 frags (kills I inflicted) were with gauntlet - 53%! If you look under the "Hum" column (Humiliations - when you kill someone with the gauntlet) you will see it. I am player hyperyoda. WOO HOO! I also got 4 Excellent ("Exc") medals :) That is when you get two frags in less than 30 seconds.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
To my friend Stefan on his happy day :)
Oh noble son of Austria
Soon ye shall depart
Onwards to Germany
To study the highest art
Days will pass swiftly
And finally even years
As you delve into mathematics
Shed no tears
Return one day you shall
Most learned and astute
To the glorious hills of Austria
Welcomed by the lute
-- by Zachary Uram, (c) 2010
Soon ye shall depart
Onwards to Germany
To study the highest art
Days will pass swiftly
And finally even years
As you delve into mathematics
Shed no tears
Return one day you shall
Most learned and astute
To the glorious hills of Austria
Welcomed by the lute
-- by Zachary Uram, (c) 2010
GaGa - GagGag
I'm so tired of seeing her CONSTANTLY seeking attention and dressing in these ridiculous outfits at her concerts. In interviews she talks about how she wants to focus on her music, fine go do that and stop this frivolous idiocy! Here is some proof of her artistic genius. Maddonna did all this before and it wasn't impressive or substantive when she did it. Behold the profound art of GaGa:

How courageous of her to lampoon the Catholic Church. What courage it takes to do that in this age! What a joke. If she was really courageous and wanted to do some actual good she'd go after Islam, but we all know that will never happen.

Here she is faux touching herself. Wow so edgy. She wants to project how SEXUAL she is. Great you are super duper sexual GaGa now can you stop stripping off in public every chance you get (even at baseball games) please?

Covered in fake blood and growling like a rapid dog. Yes this is so edifying.

Shooting sparks from her metallic cone bra. This is surely what our forefathers fought for!

So lame. Not worth commenting much beyond that.
Further, she is quite disingenuous. In interviews GaGa constantly talks about her lyrical content, (as if there are rich fields to harvest there!) and how she is sick of the paparazzi bothering her. Then in her concerts she does these stupid displays and does attention whoring things like wearing lingerie to a baseball game and when the paparazzi take her picture giving them the finger. It's an affront to our intelligence. If you want to be an attention whore GaGa go and embrace it but don't act as if you are some artiste who must carry the heavy unwanted burden of the media! That is what really irks me about her.

How courageous of her to lampoon the Catholic Church. What courage it takes to do that in this age! What a joke. If she was really courageous and wanted to do some actual good she'd go after Islam, but we all know that will never happen.

Here she is faux touching herself. Wow so edgy. She wants to project how SEXUAL she is. Great you are super duper sexual GaGa now can you stop stripping off in public every chance you get (even at baseball games) please?

Covered in fake blood and growling like a rapid dog. Yes this is so edifying.

Shooting sparks from her metallic cone bra. This is surely what our forefathers fought for!

So lame. Not worth commenting much beyond that.
Further, she is quite disingenuous. In interviews GaGa constantly talks about her lyrical content, (as if there are rich fields to harvest there!) and how she is sick of the paparazzi bothering her. Then in her concerts she does these stupid displays and does attention whoring things like wearing lingerie to a baseball game and when the paparazzi take her picture giving them the finger. It's an affront to our intelligence. If you want to be an attention whore GaGa go and embrace it but don't act as if you are some artiste who must carry the heavy unwanted burden of the media! That is what really irks me about her.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
The Real Misery Index April 2010: Underemployment Woes Lead To Two-Tier Economy

This is a shame. The wealth gap in the US has been increasing for a long time and now it is accelerating just as in China! Free trade has robbed the US alone of nearly 13-20 million jobs. Both parties seem equally greedy - whether George Soros or Warren Buffet. This culture of hyper-greed is pervasive in Wall Street and it's glorified in popular media.
Here are some interesting papers:
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
What countries would you like to live in and why? :3
I'd love to visit Ireland, Poland, Slovakia, Germany, England and France since I have ethnic roots there. Definitely would love to see the Holy Land to see the famous Biblical places, be nice to visit Asia and see China and its rich historic culture, be neat to venture to Australia to see the rugged Outback, and I'd like to hear different pipe organs also in Switzlerland, Austria and France. And a stop at Italy for the amazing food :-)
"Ask me anything which is not profane, heretical, sexual, crude, lewd or rude."...That's no fun! Why make a formspring?
Formspring is Serious Internets! LOL~
Monday, June 7, 2010
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Elvis is, IMHO, still the best.
No other singer brought the incredibly high musicality, passion and soul into their music so consistently in a career spanning decades. Frank Sinatra comes close though.
Fans of the recent movie "Kick Ass" will recognize this amazing medley, "An American Trilogy".
The finale is simply stunning, probably the best you'll ever see in pop music.
This is from the famous live broadcast (first of its kind) special from Hawaii.
Two more of more favorite selections.
This is, "If I Can Dream", from his 1968 comeback special:
Finally here is the most moving rendition of "Amazing Grace" I've ever heard. This is transcendent music!
Elvis gave himself wholly to every performance and I'll never forget him.
No other singer brought the incredibly high musicality, passion and soul into their music so consistently in a career spanning decades. Frank Sinatra comes close though.
Fans of the recent movie "Kick Ass" will recognize this amazing medley, "An American Trilogy".
The finale is simply stunning, probably the best you'll ever see in pop music.
This is from the famous live broadcast (first of its kind) special from Hawaii.
Two more of more favorite selections.
This is, "If I Can Dream", from his 1968 comeback special:
Finally here is the most moving rendition of "Amazing Grace" I've ever heard. This is transcendent music!
Elvis gave himself wholly to every performance and I'll never forget him.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Quake Live pwnage
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Thursday, March 4, 2010
dio,ti pa/sa sa.rx w`j co,rtoj kai. pa/sa do,xa auvth/j w`j a;nqoj co,rtou\ evxhra,nqh o` co,rtoj kai. to. a;nqoj evxe,pesen\ to. de. r`h/ma kuri,ou me,nei eivj to.n aivw/naÅ tou/to de, evstin to. r`h/ma to. euvaggelisqe.n eivj u`ma/jÅ (1 Peter 1:24-25)
Soli Deo Gloria
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
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