In Japan you still have a fairly intact
family unit, schools are much stricter than in the West, children are
taught to follow the law and be good citizens. Hedonistic parents in the
West raise their spoiled brats to be narcissistic self-absorbed twats
who just look to satiate their base carnal desires; if anyone gets in
their way they just step over them. The feminist movement and so-called
sexual revolution has destroyed the family unit. In the black community
90% of kids are born bastards and grow up with no father present. Things
aren't much better in the white or hispanic communities. I regularly
read in the British broadsheets of the rise of hooliganism and thuggery,
school kids slashing each other with knives, and the law is lax and
lets them off the hook. Sexual morality is at an abysmal level in the
West too. Half the population is either stoned on drugs or in a drunken
stupor. Also a fundamental, a very non-PC, factor is people turning away
from God. For those bashing America: yes we have our faults, as does
any country, but at least we still have a majority Christian nation and
haven't bowed down to the tyranny of the Islamists and welcomed the
Trojan Horse into our own shores as misguided liberal Britain and much
of Europe has done. It's too late for you now, but we still have a
chance. The European Union has failed and many member nations now have stagnant economies deep in debt, with high unemployment, crushing social obligations (especially as tens of millions of illiterate immigrants, mainly Muslims, received social benefits), failing central banks, currency decline, inflation and over-taxation. Enjoy the Sharia law which will be coming in the next decades!
Please post more. I agree with your views on Muslims and Islam. I hope in the next decades the US will deport Muslims, including those who no longer practice the religion but are tainted with that blood. They can't be saved. We have to save ourselves from Sharia law!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the encouragement. We must never allow the evils of Sharia law to gain a foothold in our sweet Land of Liberty! JESUS IS LORD!