Monday, January 18, 2016

New poem


Oh sweet joy I've come to know
Because of His unmerited grace
Eternity with the Lord I will face

Christ paid the ransom for my soul
I'm free from death and sin
Oh what a great propitiation

We are all blackened by sin
But we need not remain in darkness
God has given us the Lamb glorious

You can't earn salvation
No it must be a result of grace
We're no longer lost in disgrace

This wondrous Election is so sublime
From the world's foundation we were chosen
The regenerated souls and the damned frozen

If you are lost
And hurt and bruised and lame
Then repent and call upon His Name

Now praise the Redeemer
Let the trumpets sound and angelic host sings
Our Lord Jesus Christ, the King of Kings

(c) 2016 Zachary Uram


  1. Very good! Why don't you share on Face Book for everyone to enjoy?

  2. I really enjoyed your poem, I didn't know you were poetic! Looking forward to reading more of your talents!

    Jo Anna

  3. Thanks. You can find my other poems here:

  4. I love the word election and count myself among the
    blessed elect. I know I did nothing to warrant that state.

  5. God has blessed with a good talent :-)

  6. Thanks brother! I want to use my talent to glorify Jesus!


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