
I am a credobaptist. That means I believe that a believer should only be baptized once they come to genuine faith in Christ following repentance and acceptance of the Gospel. This is known as believers' baptism. The opposing viewpoint is paedobaptism. This is known as infant baptism, here a young child is baptized whilst still an infant. They have no repentance, and no belief. There is not a single instance of infant baptism in the New Testament. The Old Covenant was entered into through circumcision (for males only, females were left in the lurch), and the vast majority of Israelites who were circumcised were not saved. The New Covenant is wholly different and better. The entrance into the new covenant is the baptism of the Holy Spirit (spiritual) not water baptism (physical). And unlike the Old Covenant, all members under the New Covenant are saved. Roman Catholics, Orthodox, Lutherans and some Anglicans, further believe that baptism is salvific. This theological pos