The 5 Points of Calvinism Poem
We are born lost in sin you see
Totally wicked
We are mired in depravity
Our heart is desperately wicked
That is the truth
Sin is our bed
God chose us to redeem
From the foundation of the world
What a marvelous dream
Not elected based on anything in us
It was simply God's good pleasure
For His purpose
Christ died at Calvary
His propitiation was complete
This is salvation history
He died for a select few
Only the Elect
The others He did eschew
We were quickened by the Holy Ghost
It was grace we could not resist
We have nothing of our own to boast
This grace was irresistible
God loved us so
We are no longer miserable
We're given a heart of flesh
We are made new
Our new life starts afresh
Our salvation cannot be lost
Christ will keep us on the right path
Persevering until our mortal life is past
by Zachary Uram (c) 2021
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