
Muhammad, the founder of Islam, was no prophet of God! He was an illiterate warlord, a mass murderer, a thief, an extortionist, an adulterer, a polygamist, a slave owner and slave trader, and a pedophile! Mohammad married Aisha when she was just 6 years old and consummated the marriage when she was just 9 years old! Muslims and Christians do not worship the same God! Muslims don't believe that Jesus is the son of God. "Allah has no son". They reject the Trinity. Muslims regard Jesus as a prophet (but not as great a prophet as Muhammad) and they reject that Jesus was crucified. The central tenets of Christianity and Islam are incompatible and irreconcilable. Muhammad did not teach "peace and tolerance" - he led armies and ordered the assassination of his enemies. Here are 6 salient facts about Islam: The Qur'an commands Muslims to make war on Jews and Christians The much-ballyhooed "Golden Age" of Islamic culture was largely inspired by non-Musli